/ Books Published

CHANGE OF WAY: Reflections for a moral and social reform in the capitalist world

MUDANÇA DE RUMO: Reflexões para uma reforma moral e social no mundo capitalista

The world has never been so changed as in the past two hundred years - a period that coincides with the greatest human evolution up to now.

The price paid is the depredation of the environment, evils of the soul, military tensions, professional stresses, day-to-day education, religious distance and failure in family education.
This work reflects on principles and values ​​lost over time and which, today, can help this generation to meet their own calls for a better world.
It meditates on the current professional system, delimits the field of action and presents improvements for each individual to promote for himself and the others that are part of his life, because only better people can create a better world.
The next generations are already depending on the changes that can be made today. In order to do this, we have been looking for teachings registered in the last two thousand and seven hundred years in order to serve as concepts for anyone who wants to contribute to the creation of this new world.
Everyone is responsible for the improvements in the current world that favors not only this society but also guarantees continuity for the future. And this book has come to add strength to this change that begins now.


Edition: First Edition 2013
Number of Pages: 111
Dimensions: 14 x 21 cm
ISBN: 978-85-918299-3-4


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